片子一开头就带着沉重的气息,在雾蒙蒙的乡村路上一辆黑色的suv在雪地里慢慢行驶着,一切仿佛是灰色的水墨画,凄凉早已不言而喻。一个中年男子就这样专注地开着车,旁边坐着一位老人。画风一转进入室内,然后是焚香,双手合十, 揭开尸身上盖脸的白色织物,举行仪式,擦拭遗体。。。。一切动作都那么小心翼翼充满敬意,然后突然出现的转折揭示了死者一直不认同自己出生的性别的事实。
故事有好几个小章节,为社长充当入殓仪式的“模特”,第一次处理独居老人早已腐臭的遗体,为家庭里的女主人化妆,与妻子关于自己职业的争吵,妻子怒回娘家, 与社长及助理一起共度圣诞,为社区澡堂的老太太举行送别仪式,最后的最后,为早已抛弃自己的父亲入殓。故事除了开头之外,基本上是按照时间顺序走的,能够看到男主角由生涩到娴熟的转变,与妻子的沟通过程由开始的隐瞒到矛盾爆发最后到和解,事情似乎正在向着越来越好的方向开展。
同看的x先生猜测故事可能是悲剧,美丽的妻子可能会最后被丈夫亲手入殓,而年老的社长也可能会被送走,如果这么想结局可能太让人心碎。好在 故事并非完全的悲剧,眼泪之中也还是有美好的幸福。当妻子开始逐渐理解丈夫的工作,当儿子逐渐理解逝去的父亲无法寄托的思念,当死者的家人能够面对死者生前的问题,这一切都是故事灰暗的基调里蕴藏的希望。
孔子说,未知生焉知死。庄子死妻, 鼓盆而歌。
I watched the movie Intern tonight. For me it is a great movie; curing, funny and let me see something I never think before.
First, I never seriously think about how I would look like when I am old. Being 25, young and healthy enough, I never worry too much because it seems so far away from me. But is it? Maybe it isn't. At least I have seen my parents aging during the last several years. They are more vulnerable to fatigue, disease; and getting less and less strong. Yet they have so much to worry about, the loan, the stocks, work, grandparents, me, everything. If similar case is with me, I would also be doing this in my 40s and 50s. Would it be interesting? Maybe not. How about my 60s and 70s? I would be retired then; traveling around the world or staying home looking after my grandchildren? I would prefer to balance such life.
Back to the movie. Ben is a 70 years old man, with music in his heart. He is very observant and considerate, always being there to care about people. I guess no one would not like him as a friend. It is the character that he cares about people deep from heart, not just a personality. As an intern, he offered to help other people, create opportunities for himself and use his business experience, in a very comforting way. I could not imagine one who had been an VP would like to do that again. Is it a normal status for old people? Maybe not. At least I know some old people are not really into this amiable feeling. They sometimes like to be the teacher of other people and dictate them what to do, in a not so comforting way and call it 'for your good'. Yet I also met old people who are very very caring and nice, offer their best help if needed but never try to be the dictator. What you might need is advice from them, only if you seek for it.
Thoreau once said, "What old people say you cannot do, you try and find that you can. Old deeds for old people, and new deeds for new." I would argue that it is partially true. Yes, old people might not know the young generations so well. The gap is not easy to fill up. However being old doesn't mean useless. They compose such an important part of our society. They might have more wisdom on how old people would think about things. If you want to know old people's needs, there is no better way to ask or observe them. They usually have more traditions kept than young generations. Actually in the movie Ben as an old school guy, has very good memory and highly organized personal life. In contrast young people in the movie are much more lazy, more forgetful and less organized. They have a life after retirement; they also need love from another one, could be spouse or not.
Compare life of China and West, it looks quite different. My grandparents seemed not very enjoy their life after retirement. To be honest, as peasants, they never felt it a good time to enjoy life. Grandma, widowed for about 20 years, is always looking after her chickens, ducks, vegetable fields and also like to play majo. Grandpa, widowed for more than 20 years, likes to drink some alcohol and talk with other old people. They seem not so interesting to travel around. I don't know if I will also be bounded by something when I am old.
First, I never seriously think about how I would look like when I am old. Being 25, young and healthy enough, I never worry too much because it seems so far away from me. But is it? Maybe it isn't. At least I have seen my parents aging during the last several years. They are more vulnerable to fatigue, disease; and getting less and less strong. Yet they have so much to worry about, the loan, the stocks, work, grandparents, me, everything. If similar case is with me, I would also be doing this in my 40s and 50s. Would it be interesting? Maybe not. How about my 60s and 70s? I would be retired then; traveling around the world or staying home looking after my grandchildren? I would prefer to balance such life.
Back to the movie. Ben is a 70 years old man, with music in his heart. He is very observant and considerate, always being there to care about people. I guess no one would not like him as a friend. It is the character that he cares about people deep from heart, not just a personality. As an intern, he offered to help other people, create opportunities for himself and use his business experience, in a very comforting way. I could not imagine one who had been an VP would like to do that again. Is it a normal status for old people? Maybe not. At least I know some old people are not really into this amiable feeling. They sometimes like to be the teacher of other people and dictate them what to do, in a not so comforting way and call it 'for your good'. Yet I also met old people who are very very caring and nice, offer their best help if needed but never try to be the dictator. What you might need is advice from them, only if you seek for it.
Thoreau once said, "What old people say you cannot do, you try and find that you can. Old deeds for old people, and new deeds for new." I would argue that it is partially true. Yes, old people might not know the young generations so well. The gap is not easy to fill up. However being old doesn't mean useless. They compose such an important part of our society. They might have more wisdom on how old people would think about things. If you want to know old people's needs, there is no better way to ask or observe them. They usually have more traditions kept than young generations. Actually in the movie Ben as an old school guy, has very good memory and highly organized personal life. In contrast young people in the movie are much more lazy, more forgetful and less organized. They have a life after retirement; they also need love from another one, could be spouse or not.
Compare life of China and West, it looks quite different. My grandparents seemed not very enjoy their life after retirement. To be honest, as peasants, they never felt it a good time to enjoy life. Grandma, widowed for about 20 years, is always looking after her chickens, ducks, vegetable fields and also like to play majo. Grandpa, widowed for more than 20 years, likes to drink some alcohol and talk with other old people. They seem not so interesting to travel around. I don't know if I will also be bounded by something when I am old.
第二天断药,白天也还好,轻微的有点痒。夜里却终于开始折磨我了。临睡前,我发现胳膊上,大腿上, 已经起了包,隐隐的开始有不太好的预感。果然,半夜时醒了,开始只觉得像是被蚊子咬了一下,骤然之间,这些点有了一种井喷般的感觉,似乎遍布了全身。如果能够具象化的话,感觉就是一个烽火台点着了,所有的烽火台便都开始亮了吧。虽然脑子里一直说,不要去抓,但又怎么能忍得住,顺手一摸一大把包,指甲已经不能自已开始挠。。然而此时又觉得手的感觉也很奇怪,竟然觉得手掌变厚了,指头也是肿胀的,似乎不太能够完全地合拢。。。于是我只能把手贴在墙上,让因为抓挠而感觉到痒的手掌稍微降降温。如果说有什么地方被蚊子咬了最难受的,大概是手掌和脚掌的皮肤了吧。它们的角质层比较厚,抓挠的时候相同的力度别的地方都已经可以感觉到痛,而这些地方却好似挠痒痒。总之,连手都开始痒了,感觉有点绝望。。。于是这一夜,也昏昏沉沉没有睡好。
到了第六天,早上8点多起了床,开车去了医院。这是一个私人诊所,叫Barry R Paull MD。签到之后,填了一些表格,然后静静等待被召唤。护士姐姐漂亮而且非常温柔,金发不戴眼镜,穿着紫红色的制服,测完身高体重血压后让我在一个小隔间静候。 小隔间的设计很有意思,靠墙是一个卡座,可以坐两个人,还堆了一些医学杂志,卡座前有一块可以横放也可以收起的小小隔板,放下可以当桌板写字。隔间里有把我叫到医生办公室。办公室不算很大,有点像我家的书房。其中一面墙整个是书架,堆满了书。大约在人站着的视线处有一排照片,其中最左边的是尘螨的电镜放大照,右边有很多人物照片,可能有他年轻时候和孩子的照片,也可能有病人的,当然关于这个我并不确定。医生是个看上去60多岁的老爷爷,瘦巴巴的,头发梳的向后背,不过很精神。他没有戴眼镜,西装穿戴非常整齐,手上似乎还有一枚医学院的戒指,因为上面有蛇的图案。
医生让我把后背衣服撩起,然后用看上去像是冰棒棍子的东西在我背上划了个X,过了几分钟,再看就有划痕且红肿起来,医生说这是过敏的一种表现。然后他让护士带我去做皮试。先在左胳膊上写了两排很长的字,然后用塑料针(很难真的说是针,看上起像是钝头的)刺穿表皮,静静等待反应。过了一会,有打组胺的地方果然红肿,护士拿尺子比对着然后挑选了一些新的试剂在我右胳膊上再试。这次是真的针头了,不仅刺破了表皮还流了血,而且由于注射的关系那块地方都鼓起来了。此时已经确定我是对尘螨,蟑螂粪便,mesquite 树和某些野草过敏。
第二天断药,白天也还好,轻微的有点痒。夜里却终于开始折磨我了。临睡前,我发现胳膊上,大腿上, 已经起了包,隐隐的开始有不太好的预感。果然,半夜时醒了,开始只觉得像是被蚊子咬了一下,骤然之间,这些点有了一种井喷般的感觉,似乎遍布了全身。如果能够具象化的话,感觉就是一个烽火台点着了,所有的烽火台便都开始亮了吧。虽然脑子里一直说,不要去抓,但又怎么能忍得住,顺手一摸一大把包,指甲已经不能自已开始挠。。然而此时又觉得手的感觉也很奇怪,竟然觉得手掌变厚了,指头也是肿胀的,似乎不太能够完全地合拢。。。于是我只能把手贴在墙上,让因为抓挠而感觉到痒的手掌稍微降降温。如果说有什么地方被蚊子咬了最难受的,大概是手掌和脚掌的皮肤了吧。它们的角质层比较厚,抓挠的时候相同的力度别的地方都已经可以感觉到痛,而这些地方却好似挠痒痒。总之,连手都开始痒了,感觉有点绝望。。。于是这一夜,也昏昏沉沉没有睡好。
到了第六天,早上8点多起了床,开车去了医院。这是一个私人诊所,叫Barry R Paull MD。签到之后,填了一些表格,然后静静等待被召唤。护士姐姐漂亮而且非常温柔,金发不戴眼镜,穿着紫红色的制服,测完身高体重血压后让我在一个小隔间静候。 小隔间的设计很有意思,靠墙是一个卡座,可以坐两个人,还堆了一些医学杂志,卡座前有一块可以横放也可以收起的小小隔板,放下可以当桌板写字。隔间里有把我叫到医生办公室。办公室不算很大,有点像我家的书房。其中一面墙整个是书架,堆满了书。大约在人站着的视线处有一排照片,其中最左边的是尘螨的电镜放大照,右边有很多人物照片,可能有他年轻时候和孩子的照片,也可能有病人的,当然关于这个我并不确定。医生是个看上去60多岁的老爷爷,瘦巴巴的,头发梳的向后背,不过很精神。他没有戴眼镜,西装穿戴非常整齐,手上似乎还有一枚医学院的戒指,因为上面有蛇的图案。
医生让我把后背衣服撩起,然后用看上去像是冰棒棍子的东西在我背上划了个X,过了几分钟,再看就有划痕且红肿起来,医生说这是过敏的一种表现。然后他让护士带我去做皮试。先在左胳膊上写了两排很长的字,然后用塑料针(很难真的说是针,看上起像是钝头的)刺穿表皮,静静等待反应。过了一会,有打组胺的地方果然红肿,护士拿尺子比对着然后挑选了一些新的试剂在我右胳膊上再试。这次是真的针头了,不仅刺破了表皮还流了血,而且由于注射的关系那块地方都鼓起来了。此时已经确定我是对尘螨,蟑螂粪便,mesquite 树和某些野草过敏。
The Review of Allergy Fighting Garden
I was moved
by the story that Tom became
interested in allergy-free gardening and kept researching for more than 25
years because his wife has asthma and allergies. As an entry level
landscape designer, I have to admit I never considered allergy-free landscaping
before now. This book opened up my eyes. This book not only talk about
technical problems like plant selection and management do's and don'ts, but it
raise the awareness of designers and planners about health issues.
I learned that the allergy problem is
almost man-made problem. Because female plants are messy, USDA encouraged the
usage of male trees, which produced large amount of pollen. Therefore, less
mess, but 10,000 times more pollen than when both male and female were planted.
I like this thorough explanation of how pollen evolved to be crisis and how we
prevent it from the origins. The tips for management to avoid mold, is also
very valuable for gardeners. For designers, the most important part might be
the A-Z planting list with OPALS allergy rankings. Hope in the future most
cities will update their plant list with allergy consideration.

Project 2 Generate Skin for Surface
Use different method to generate skin, including
paneling tools and script. I will compare the two methods for future study.
In project 1 I made a surface of a building with
very fluent curves. Different skin will be an very attractive option for
Tool Method:
Use the surface created from Project1, which was
generated from “Loft”. Even if the surface had some trimmed area, the new skin
will ignore this “hole”. So I just use the untrimmed surface.
Create several curves to prepare for future
Divide the surface into grids and make
Change the grid a little bit and use Morph3D to
morph curves onto the grid points.
Loft the curves and create the pattern.
Use cull pattern to change the grid pattern
Use Attractor to change the point location and
the pattern.
Same as method1.
Create several curves and loft them.
Same as method 1.
4. Use
Morph3D to morph the loft surface onto the grid points.
Comparison between method 1 and method 2:
Method 2 is relatively easier.
Get the source (from Chengde Wu)
Adjust the volume of surface in case the
computation take too much time
Adjust the data
script developed by Chengde Wu has the choice of random size and random
location, so the pattern can be changed easily. The paneling tools are confined
by the grid pattern that randomness of location and size might not be achieved.
But some other functions like GridAttractors can change the pattern on some
particular way.
script developed by Chengde Wu has some limits on the pattern module shape,
since it only had 4 choices. For paneling tool, the forms of module is various.
Basically as long as there is a grid pattern, you can attach any shape onto it.
script pattern is more like engraving patterns onto a material, while the
paneling tool is more like using small units and assemble them to a big system.
and Time:
The script
method takes some time for computation, and it is easy to get stuck. The
paneling tool can be more smoothly during the process.
Arch 689 Project 1 Design Description
Design Description
For the model I created in project 1, I need to make a
greenroof of a unique building, which has two holes and a column. The holes can
be seen as skylight and the column seems to be a funnel. The images are from http://www.servo-la.com/index.php?/projects/sholm-house/.
I simplify the model, which means no steps or walls.
Method 1
Create several curves. When make the interpolate
curves, I need to start with the same direction to ensure the loft surface not
in distortion.
Move the curves to different elevation. Because
the top curve is angled, I use “rotate” to tilt the rooftop. Then I started to
connect the elevated curves and the rotated curve to loft the surface (loft 1).
Some tips on loft:
a) Check the “aligned section” of loft
b) Select curve with order, either top to
bottom or bottom to top.
c) Curves should be drawn from same
direction, either clockwise or counterclockwise.
Create two surfaces, extrude them and trim with
the loft surface (loft 1).
Create the column:
Create several curves and lift them to different
Project the highest curve on the loft surface.
Loft all the lifted curves together with the
projected curve to make another funnel like surface (loft 2).
Cap the holes and trim the new solid with a box
to make a column.
Start to
create skin:
Use the divide surface icon to make points
on the trimmed surface from loft 1.
Use isocurve
Icon to make web, then pipe the web.
Kangaroo Physics Modeling
I use kangaroo as another method to
generate the main surface
Use uniforce and spring to generate forces on
the mesh.
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